Dry peanut peeling machine has sold to Korea yesterday. The customers need this machine to help them produce more clean peanut to peanut kernel. They want try it. This is a specialized equipment to dry peel the red coat of peanut. Mainly used for peanuts, peanut butter, milky white peanut milk, peanut dust of peeling before production. It has a high peeling rate and the peeled peanut will be kept whole, white surface and necessary protein well. The red coat can separate with all the peanut automatically when peeling, and it's also really efficient and easy to function.And this machine is particularly created for peeling the interior red skin of peanuts, it takes dry process.The dry peanuts are being peeled by way of rolling and massaging.The peanut enters the peeling room from your hopper instantly, and then the rubbing device peels the peanut to be white, scar less, and retaining whole-kernel.The Roasting Peanut Peeling Machine is with the characters of high automation,high rate of broken valve, low noise, no pollution etc.
roasted peanut peeling machine is the most advanced peanuts dry desquamate apparatus, with sensible framework, smooth procedure, long service life, clean rate higher characteristic. And lots of teams of combination to make use of, peeling quality to meet export standards.Roasted Peanut Peeling Machine can be used multiple combinations,to complete feeding,peeling, skin suction, sorting, cleaning, product packaging conveyor, the peeling quality can meet export standards.The Roasted Peanut Peeling Machine adopts rolling rubbing and peeling method,has the advantages of stable performance, long service life, good peeling effects, high productivity and good quality.The Roasted Peanut Peeling Machine is with the figures of high automation, high rate of broken valve, low noise, no pollution etc.This Roasted Peanut Peeling Machine is supplied with a dust collecting oral appliance the vibration sieve, vacuum cleaner can suck peanut red skin, moving screen can effectively remove the peanut bud embryo,to receive the best effect peanut kernels in half.
Sep 14,2017