• Sep 12,2017

Do you know how to make sugar coated peanuts? Here introduce the cooking method:
1, Raw material
Peanut 1 kg, 2 kg starch (or flour), salt 20 g, white sugar 5 kg, thirteen Spice 5 g, sichuan pepper 5 g, chili powder 10 g, 200 g of cooking oil, baking soda 5 grams, 500 grams of water.
Sugar Coated Peanuts
2. Raw material treatment
(1) Boil the sugar in 60-70 ℃ warm water to dissolve into a liquid.
(2) To mix the dry flour with baking soda, stir the salt.
(3) Pour roasted peanut into peanut coating machine, take a spoon mix melt the sugar water, make sugar water sprinkle evenly mix on the peanut.
(4) After mixing evenly, begin to sprinkle starch on peanuts, just same as mix sugar water, sprinkle a little sugar water, sprinkle a layer of starch immediately, so repeated, until the peanuts on half one mm starch, poured into the half spoon edible oil with a spoon, temporarily don't starch until evenly mix oil, sprinkle starch, sugar water, stirring, until about 1 mm thick with the starch with peanuts, and then poured into the half spoon of cooking oil, stir well. Spread the prepared peanut bean on the chopping board or in a large container to avoid adhesion.
3, Frying
Stir frying constantly, in order to avoid the sink in the bottom of the pot peanuts untiil frying yellow, fish out, repaet teh action.
4, Mixing Materials
Atir 13 spices, paprika powder, chili powder into boil good syrup. Stir in a large bowl or large pot with fried peanuts, and then place in a large container for airing, stirring once, for 10 to 20 minutes, the coated peanuts are made.


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